Monday, August 29, 2016

August 2016

Welcome to a new semester at BRCC!

Our thoughts go out to all the faculty and students affected by the recent flooding. Louisiana is a unique place, and we will get through this. Know that we are with you every step of the way.

The library hosted our semi-annual open house on August 25th.

The event was well attended and featured the opportunity for faculty to get to know their subject liaison librarian. Each librarian prepared a display highlighting new items from the collection related to specific disciplines. If you didn't get a chance to talk to your friendly subject librarian, stop by or give us a call anytime (216-8555). We are always delighted to hear your ideas, schedule a visit to your classes, or just have a casual conversation with you!

The open house was enjoyed by all of those that did stop in. There was information about the e-book initiative, as well as an introduction to OER's and how both of these options could help your students save money on textbooks. More affordable college costs is one way to encourage your students, and could positively impact a student's ability to return semester after semester.

We look forward to your visits in the future.

Another way to help save your students money on costly textbooks, is through the Reserves collection. This collection of high-demand items typically houses faculty provided copies of the textbook used in class. This option is very popular with students, and many have expressed a desire for more material to be put on reserve. We can't do this without your help, and we have streamlined the process of adding your textbook on Reserve. All you have to do is bring a copy of the item you would like to place on reserve, complete a short form that we provide, and you can be on your way. The confusing questions have been done away with, the Reserves are open and ready for you.

Don't forget about the services the library offers your classes. We can schedule a visit to your class, a tour of the library, or a consultation with you about your assignments and the resources we have available to help with them. We have already had a number of requests, but we are always looking for more!

Technical Services Librarian Laddawan Kongchum
speaking to Aviation students
during  a special library orientation session.

And, coming soon, the library is offering a professional development session on e-books and OER's! Be looking for this information in the future. You can earn professional development points for your attendance and it is a great way to get on board with this emerging technology.