Tuesday, March 15, 2016

March 2016

The Magnolia Library Book Club is open to everyone in the BRCC community. We meet once a month to discuss titles that we have selected to read. Books for the coming month are chosen during meetings. This month we are reading Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. You surely know the story, but have you read the original book?
This semester we will be meeting on Fridays at 12:30pm in the library third floor conference room. Our next meeting is Friday, April 1 – a fitting time to discuss Alice. If you're curious about joining, please contact Kathy Seidel at seidelk@mybrcc.edu. Newcomers are always welcome!

Illustration by John Tenniel

   Librarians Lauren McAdams and Kathy Seidel presented a faculty development session on using Curriculum Builder in Canvas. This unique tool allows users to create reading lists of materials from the library.  This project is ongoing, and if you have any questions, please contact the library (librarian@mybrcc.edu, 216-8555).

The BRCC Library Club is pleased to host a Poetry Reading with Elizabeth Lee, former BRCC Associate Dean, Academic Learning Center. Ms. Lee, who was also a frequent contributor to BRCC’s literary magazine, The Black & Rouge, will share selections from her recent book, Beveled Edges and Mitered Corners: Poems. She will also give insights to the publication process she followed.
Please join us on Tuesday, April 5, 2016, at 6pm in the Library Special Collections Reading Room on the second floor of the Magnolia Building. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A and refreshments.