Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Vol 1 issue 9

The BRCC Library Club is pleased to sponsor the "Toys for Tots" toy drive for BRCC again this holiday season. "Toys for Tots" in an initiative of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, whose goal is "to deliver, through a new toy a Christmas, a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens."

This year the drive will be taken to all BRCC sites. Look for the festive collection box on your campus and please donate new, unwrapped toys. The BRCC toy drive will run from November 6 to December 4, 2015.

Want to learn your way around puzzling copyright questions, especially those that make you wonder if you can place a book on Reserve for your students?

Want to enjoy an hour with colleagues and friends and refreshments?  Then join your colleagues at Teaching with Copyrighted Materials:  How to Analyze any Copyright Question in Five Steps.

Best of all, you'll earn one professional development point!

This one-hour program will be delivered by Peggy Hoon, J. D, on Friday, Nov. 20 at 2:00 p.m. in the T + LC and is co-sponsored by the Magnolia Library and the Teaching + Learning Center.  Hoon is the Director of Copyright Policy and Education, LSU Libraries, at Louisiana State University.  She serves as a campus-wide copyright resource for LSU faculty, staff, and students, providing education, and assistance for authors' rights in their works.

For more information, call the Library’s Reference desk at 216-8555

As we enter the last few weeks of fall semester, and the beginning of spring registration, it is inevitable to think about retention. In a recent article published earlier this year, Sidney Eng, and Dereck Stadler specifically examined the impact that libraries had on student retention. Their study broke down institutions according to their Carnegie Classification; with graduate schools, 4-year undergraduate institutions, and the 2-year associate's college. Interestingly, there was no measurable impact of the library on graduate school retention. However, and this is what is important for us, in the two-year college it was found that if students were exposed to even one library instruction session, the likelihood of that student being retained rose by 2%. This is something to consider if you have never had a librarian come to your class. Learning how to use the library and its resources is an invaluable skill that will help our students throughout their college experience. You may also want to encourage your students to sign up for the LIBS 101 course. This 1 credit course is offered each semester in either  the first or second seven weeks.

If you would like to read the article in full you can access it though this link:

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